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Quickly, accross the magical bridge!
Solo Project.

A project for my programming for digital media class; to create a 2D world using two advanced steering behaviors that were not discussed in class. Done using Adobe Flash 6; Actionscript 3.0.My simulation is that of a quaint town of vampire-bat-dragons that fly around and then flee the giant fireball of death and destruction. Being a fireball, it cannot access the water or the magical bridge that the dragons must fly through to access the safe house on the small island in the body of water.


The two unique behaviors I used were wandering and path-following (path-following was the only one that wasn’t done Craig Reynolds style, I used a timer to ensure that everyone was staying together and moving at the same speed).

Other behaviors used were: arrival, flee, seek, collision detection for other objects as well as boundaries, and avoid.

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